After Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Bihar, Chhattisgarh will also offer MBBS courses in Hindi. Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai has announced that from the current academic session, MBBS courses in the state will be taught in Hindi. This announcement was made on the occasion of 'Hindi Day.' Sai stated that his government is pleased to implement Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of providing medical education in Hindi, which was mentioned during a rally in Uttar Pradesh in 2022.
Speaking to reporters he said the government has taken a significant decision on Hindi Day. MBBS courses will now be available in Hindi as well. Hindi textbooks will be introduced from the first year of the 2024-25 session. The Health Department has been instructed to arrange for books and study materials. This move is part of efforts to shift away from the outdated Macaulayite education policy and modernize the education system at all levels.
He also claimed that the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has been fully implemented in Chhattisgarh. This initiative will benefit students from rural areas, who mostly come from Hindi-medium schools and face difficulties in medical courses due to the use of English. Studying in Hindi will strengthen their fundamentals, help them develop a deeper understanding of the subject, and enable them to become better doctors.
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These States Will Also Offfer MBBS In Hindi
Last year, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Uttarakhand announced plans to offer MBBS courses in Hindi. This followed the unveiling of Hindi MBBS course books by Union Home Minister Amit Shah in October 2022, marking the first time such textbooks were available in Hindi.
In July, the Bihar government also announced that it would offer Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) courses in Hindi. State Health Minister Mangal Pandey declared on July 2 that students would be able to study MBBS in Hindi starting from the upcoming session.
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