In a fresh case of suicide by exam aspirants in the country, another NEET aspirant has reportedly killed self in Kota. A 19-year NEET aspirant who was preparing for the prestigious medical exam in Kota has allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself from a ceiling fan in his hostel room in Kota, news agency PTI reported local police as saying. What comes up as the first case of suicide in the coahing hub in 2024, the incident reportedly took place on Tuesday, and the police recovered the body from the deceased student’s hostel room in New Rajiv Gandhi Nagar area of Kota.
On the incident, Kota Hostel Association president Naveen Mittal was reported as saying that the fan inside the victim’s room was not equipped with anti-suicide device, which is a violation of the guidelines put in place for hostels in the district. He was further reported as saying that the concerned hostel shall be blacklisted by the association, and the district administration shall also recommend to seize the hostel.
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Several hostels in the city are also running without anti-suicide equipemt in violation of the norms, he added. Notably, in light of the increasing suicide by exam aspirants in Kota, the district administration had directed all coaching institutes last year o install a spring device on ceiling fans, in order to foils suicide attempts.
The deceased student has been identified as Mohammed Jaid, a 19-year old resident of Uttar Pradesh’ Moradabad district. The student was preparing for a second attempt at the NEET exam in Kota, DSP Bhawani Singh, Circle Officer of Jawahar Nagar area said. The body of the deceased student has been placed in a mortuary for postmortem, which shall be done after the parents of the student arrive in the city, the officer said. He further added that the police was informed by the hostel warden after Jaid did not come out of his room till Tuesday evening.
(With inputs from PTI)
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