The UPSSSC (Uttar Pradesh State Subordinate Services Commission) has published the answer key for the Preliminary Eligibility Test (PET) 2023 on November 6. Individuals who took the examination can download the UPSSSC PET 2023 answer key on the official website, The PET 2023 written exam took place over two days, October 28 and October 29, with two shifts in 35 districts across the state.

“In continuation of the above, all the candidates related to the examination in question are hereby informed that the date and shift wise provisional answer keys of the master set of the written examination held on 28th and 29th October 2023 have been uploaded on the website of the Commission,” the commission said in an official notice.

Direct link to check UPSSSC PET answer key for 2nd shift exam held on Oct 29

Direct link to check UPSSSC PET answer key for first shift exam held on Oct 29

Direct link to check UPSSSC PET answer key for 2nd shift exam held on Oct 28

Direct link to check UPSSSC PET answer key for first shift exam held on Oct 28

The commission has provided a process for candidates to raise objections against the provisional answers, should they have any concerns. To do so, candidates must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Objections can be raised against the provisional answer keys as presented in the master question paper, which is available on the UPSSSC website.

  2. To submit objections, candidates need to log in to the objection portal by entering their registration number and roll number. Afterward, they should select the specific question for which they wish to raise an objection and proceed to register their objection.

  3. Candidates are required to specify the type of objection by choosing from the dropdown menu that corresponds to the respective question in the objection portal.

  4. Candidates can submit one or more objections, and they can review the objection summary report by clicking on the "view objection summary." Furthermore, candidates can generate a printout of the objection summary by clicking on the print icon.

  5. Candidates are expected to justify their objection in the designated "textbox" provided alongside the objection raised.

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