The Uttar Pradesh Police has arrested 15 people suspected of plotting to leak question papers for the upcoming police constable recruitment examinations scheduled over the weekend, as reported by news agency PTI. The arrests took place across Jhansi, Ghazipur, and Mau. In Jhansi, the Special Task Force of the Uttar Pradesh Police arrested two individuals and seized two SUVs, photocopies of 10 admit cards, three mobile phones, two Aadhaar cards and two driving licenses. The detained individuals, Monu Kumar from Shamli district and Rajni from Nalanda district in Bihar, face charges under sections 420, 467 and 468 of the IPC.

Meanwhile, in Mau, authorities detained five individuals who allegedly attempted to extort money from aspirants in exchange for providing them with answers to the questions. Mau Superintendent of Police Avinash Pandey identified the arrested people as Amit Singh, Sonu alias Siddhartha Kumar, Sunil Rajbhar, Ram Karan (all from Mau district) and Shatrughan Yadav from Ghazipur district.

In Ghazipur district, eight individuals were arrested after a tip-off from an aspirant. They were arrested from a rented house in Mirdad Pur village under Nonhara police station.

The accused were allegedly roaming around villages in search of gullible candidates and promising them to help in the exam in place of Rs 7-8 lakh, police said. They were allegedly taking Rs 1 lakh as advance from each aspirant. The police officer said Rs 6 lakh has been recovered from the accused.

The accused have been sent to jail, he added.


In another exam, the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has established a three-member internal probe committee to investigate allegations of a paper leak during the preliminary examination of Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer (RO/ARO)-2023 held on February 12, 2024.

Also Read: UP Police Constable Exam 2024: Center Changed In These Districts, Check Details Here

However, a senior official admitted that the state government's decision regarding the recommended Special Task Force (STF) investigation by the UPPSC is still pending. Despite the scheduled RO/ARO (Main) examination-2023 set for July 28, UPPSC officials are taking the allegations seriously and refraining from disclosing any forthcoming actions.

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