RPSC ACF & FRO Exam Dates Declared: The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has announced the dates for the examination to be held for the posts of Assistant Conservator of Forests and Forest Range Officer.

The candidates who are going to appear for RPSC ACF and FRO exams 2022 can check the schedule of the exam by visiting the official website.

To do this, the official website of the Rajasthan Public Service Commission is – rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

Check Notice

  • To view the notices issued for the RPSC ACAF and FRO examination, first of all, visit the official website i.e. on rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.

  • Go to the 'News and Events' section on the homepage here.

  • Click on the link in the window that opens up when you click here, here you will find a notice regarding the interview dates.

  • As soon as you do so, a PDF file will appear on your computer screen.

  • Download it from here and if you want you can take a printout of the hard copy for future reference.

  • Candidates are requested to read the notification carefully and follow the instructions given sincerely.

  • Make sure to carry the admit card and photograph with you on the day of the exam. Without it, you will not be given entry to the exam hall. You can also check the notice from the direct link.

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