Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said that the employment rate across the nation is being increased over the past few weeks via the BJP’s “double-engine sarkaar”. He said: “BJP’s model of double-engine governance has proved to be effective in providing central and state government jobs to thousands.”

As part of the employment drive, the Goa government has started hiring mass across various department en masse, PM Modi said. The Pramod Sawant-led government on Thursday handed out appointment letters to qualified candidates and more appointments will be made in the upcoming months.

ALSO READ | PM Modi Gives 71,056 Appointment Letters To New Recruits of Rozgar Mela

“The Goa govt has taken an essential step of hiring in various depts. Mass appointment letters have been distributed today. Several other departments, including the Goa Police, will hire more people soon. This will strengthen the Goa Police,” PM Modi said in a video message at Goa Rozgar Mela (job fair).

He further said the Centre has invested several thousand crores in Goa to strengthen its development in the past eight years. Almost Rs 3,000 crore have been spent for the construction of an airport in Mopa, Goa, which provided work to thousands of people

The Pramod Sawant Cabinet has also laid out the Goa Tourism Master Plan to implement development projects that will boost the sector further in the state. “This will bring in more investment in state tourism,” PM Modi said.

ALSO READ | PM Modi Addresses J&K Rozgar Mela, Says 'Together We Have To Take J&K To New Heights' 

He sought to tell the newly appointed youths: "The most important 25 years of your lives is beginning. Your aim is to give shape to the new India of 2047. You have to work for the development of Goa as well as the country as a whole."

On Tuesday, PM Modi distributed 71,056 appointment letters to newly inducted recruits of Rozgar Mela via video conferencing. "You are getting this new responsibility in a special era. The country has entered Amrit Kaal. We the citizens have taken the resolution to make India a developed nation in this duration. To attain this resolution, you're going to be the 'saarthi' of the country," the PM said.

ALSO READ | PM Modi Addresses Gujarat Rozgar Mela, Says 'Centre Is Working On Providing 10 Lakh Jobs'

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