NABARD Mains Exam Date 2021: The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development or NABARD Mains Exam 2021 dates have been released on the official website. Candidates note that the exam will be conducted from November 16, 2021. NABARD Mains Exam 2021 will be held for the post of Assistant Manager in Grade A, RDBDS or Rajbahsha and Manager in Grade B. Only candidates who passed the preliminary examination will be able to appear for the Mains 2021. NABARD Prelims 2021 was held on September 17 and 18, 2021. Following this, the result was declared by NABARD on October 2021.

NABARD Mains 2021 Important Dates
NABARD Mains Exam 2021 for Assistant Manager post – November 16, 2021
NABARD Mains Exam 2021 for Manager post – November 17, 2021

NABARD Mains 2021 Important Details

  • Candidates should note that the admit card for the Mains 2021 would be released on the official website Candidates will be able to download the admit card by logging in with their credentials such as application number and password.

  • NABARD Mains 2021 for the post of Assistant Manager, Grade A would be conducted for two papers-Paper I and Paper II. Paper I would be conducted for a duration of 90 minutes and it would be of descriptive type. Paper II would be conducted for a total of 120 minutes and it would be of both objective and descriptive types.

  • Paper I exam for the Assistant Manager post would consist of General English and the number of questions that would be asked to candidates is 3.

  • Candidates who qualify for Mains 2021 will be called for a Personal Interview. The interview round will be conducted for 50 points.

  • Candidates should note that there is a negative marking in NABARD Mains 2021. For each wrong answer, 1/4 of the marks will be deducted.

  • For the post of Manager, Grade B, there would be 3 papers - Paper I, Paper II and Paper III.

  • Paper I would be held for 90 minutes and will carry 100 marks.

  • Paper II would be conducted for 120 minutes and it would have both objective and descriptive questions. Candidates would be asked questions about social and economic issues.


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