Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has announced that the state government will organise 200 job fairs for youth of the state this year. In his announcement on Saturday, September 10, the Haryana Chief Minister further underlined the emphasis of the state government on building self-reliance and self-respect among youth, since they are the two vital pillars in the upliftment of youngsters. 

In his address to the youth who have been recruited through job fairs, as part of the 'CM Ki Vishesh Charcha' programme, Khattar further stated that a total of 1,450 job fairs have been organised in the state from January 2019 till date, assisting over 31,217 youngsters steer through employments. 

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"This year also 200 job fairs will be organised," the Haryana Chief Minister was reported as saying by news agency PTI according to an official statement. Khattar further underlined that while 1.14 lakh government jobs have been provided, 56,000 more jobs are slated to be offered to the youth of the state, in a bid to offer 1.70 lakh jobs in the state. He also announced that the state government shall continue its efforts towards employment of the youth, and even eye the employment of over 2 lakh youth in the state. 

The BJP government in the state has provided over one lakh government jobs to yours of the state through a transparent merit-based recruitment criteria, Khattar said. "benefits have also been provided under various schemes to establish employment and self-employment options in the private sector", an official statement further reported the Chief Minister as saying. 

Manohar Lal Khattar also asserted that the Haryana Skill Development Mission has assisted over 80,000 youth in the state. The Shri Vishwakarma Skill University that has been established to provide vocational training and education, would further assist the job-orientation of the youth, he further noted. 

(With inputs from PTI)

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