Fact Check: A message regarding work from home job offers floating over the WhatsApp Chats is a fake one. The Press Information Bureau (PIB) Fact Check has issued a cautionary warning to all those believing the job offer to be true. The government's fact check organization has issued a statement stating that the government is not giving any such opportunity to the people. For the last few days, a message on WhatsApp went viral. In the message, it was being said that the government is giving an opportunity to work from home with the collaboration of an organization.

"It is being claimed in a #WhatsApp message that the Government of India in collaboration with an organization is providing work from home opportunities. This claim is #FAKE. No such announcement has been made by GOI. Do not engage with such fraudulent links," PIB tweeted on Monday. 

Significantly, due to the pandemic, many jobs have shifted to work from home mode. For more than a year, many offices, are functioning mostly in this mode. In such a situation, many fake messages along with the message of work from home keep going viral on social media.

Job aspirants need to be very careful before finalizing any such deal. Always keep in mind that all government-related announcements are made on the official websites of ministries and departments. No announcement is made by the government through messages. Job-related announcements are made through the official website of the respective organization or through the verified social media accounts of the organizations.

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