New Delhi: IIT Kharagpur has launched the country's first-of-its-kind full-ride scholarship to support students who have made it to the top 100 in the All India rankings of JEE Advance. Prof. Virendra Kumat Tiwari, Director of the Institute said at the 71st Foundation Day ceremony of the Institute that 'Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Full Scholarship for Top 100 JEE (Advanced) Rankers' titled scholarship will cover the entire expenses of the students till they complete their B.Tech course at IIT Kharagpur.

Scholarships will come into effect from the academic year of 2021-22

Prof Tiwari said the scholarship will be implemented from 2021-22 academic year and will consider students whose parents have a gross annual income of less than Rs 20 lakh. Prof Tiwari further said, "At IIT Kharagpur we believe that the education of any meritorious student should not be limited due to financial constraints... It is our responsibility as well as our privilege and happiness to help all such remarkable and talented but economically challenged students reach higher education."

"This scholarship is in the name of Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (Ishwar Chandra Bandyopadhyay), who earned the title of 'Vidyasagar' for his vast knowledge in Sanskrit and Indian Philosophy, which was compared to the vastness of the sea." He said students need funding not only for tuition fees but for many other activities like buying books, transportation, food, and housing, he also said that these expenses can be too high for any family.

Full Ride Scholarship will cover the entire cost of a student's education

Professor Jayant Mukhopadhyay, Dean Outreach and professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kharagpur said that the full-ride scholarship will cover the entire cost of education of a student such as institute fees, hall expenses, books, food, gadgets, and many other expenses such as transfer expenses, personal expenses, and living costs and provide them out of pocket allowance. This will allow them to focus on their studies and social life without worrying about money.


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