New Delhi: A WhatsApp message has been going viral on social media, the claims of which are highly doubtful. It states that the government will provide 10GB internet data to all students in the country to help them appear for their online exams. ALSO READ | RBSE 10th Supplementary Result 2020: BSER 10th Supplementary Result 2020 Released At ; Direct Link & How To Check Score

“Due to Corona Virus Schools and colleges have been closed and because of this, the education of students has been affected, so the government is providing free internet (10GB per day) to all the students. So that students can complete their education and also give exams with the help of the internet and online classes,” the viral message reads.

However, the claim has been busted by PIB Fact Check - a dedicated Twitter handle for countering misinformation on government policies/schemes.

"PIB Fact Check: This claim is Fake. No such decision has been taken by the government," the tweet clarified.

Sometime back there was misinformation spread over school books claiming that they will now carry an additional tax - which was again termed by the fact-checker as false.

Meanwhile, there is fake information being spread about non-existent government schemes and government postings, people are advised to verify them before believing the messages and clicking on the links provided.

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