New Delhi: With the Delhi government's decision to reopen schools in a phased manner, medical experts are advising concerned authorities to go slow on the decision of reopening schools while they also recommend treating students as unvaccinated individuals when they start attending schools.

Dr. Naveet Wig, Professor and Head of the Medicine Department, AIIMS said that "They have to look at the risks versus the benefits. We have to compare the pros and the cons. So, this has to be a continuous policy".

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Speaking to news agency ANI, Dr. Wig said, "More vaccines will come and more vaccinations will be done. But the issue is, everybody has to take the vaccine. Because until and unless everyone is vaccinated and people take precautions we cannot make this country zero COVID country."

When asked about the reopening of schools, he opined: "We know that children are fed up with staying at home continuously. But we have to look at the risks. Also, children are not vaccinated yet. There are several issues like transportation, isolation, and ensuring social distancing".

"The other aspect for children is their neurocognitive effects. there should be a balance between their physical and mental health. Further, the festive season is going to come in one or two months. It is a close door transmission, we have to go slow and promote these outdoor activities carefully," he added.

The AIIMS professor emphasised that people should not lower their guard, "We cannot afford to lower our guard. Cyclical virus uprise has happened in the past. Today we have 46,000 COVID patients in the country. There may be one or two states where the situation is critical now but the same situation can come in other states".

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Schools To Reopen In Delhi

The Delhi government on Friday decided to resume schools, colleges, coaching activities in the national capital with all precautions, in a phased manner.

From September 1, classes 9 to 12 in all government and private schools, their coaching classes as well as all colleges/universities will be permitted to resume, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia announced.

He also stressed that no student will be forced to come to schools and that consent of parents will be mandatory for children to return to classrooms and if they don't allow the same, students won't be forced or considered absent.

"Social distancing should be strictly followed and no student will be forced to come to the school. Consent of parents will be essential for students to come. If parents do not permit, then students will not be forced to come, they will not be considered absent either," Sisodia said.

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