CBSE Class 10, 12 Admit Card Awaited At, Check Latest Update
CBSE Class 10 and 12 exam 2023 will be conducted from February 15 at various exam centres across the country.

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will release the admit cards for Class 10 and Class 12 board exams, 2023 soon. CBSE board exam admit card will be made available for students on the official websites, and To download CBSE hall tickets, students will have to login to the board website with their credentials. As per media reports, admit card is expected soon, however, the board has not issued any release date as of now.
The direct link to download admit card will be provided, once it is available.
CBSE Board Exams 2023 will be conducted from February 15, 2023. The Class 10, 12 examinations will be held across the country at various exam centres.
CBSE Admit Card 2023: How To Download?
- Visit the official website,
- Click on the admit card download link.
- Enter the required details.
- Submit and download the admit card.
Candidates are advised to take a printout of the admit card and not forget to take it to the exam centre.
As per the date sheet 2023, CBSE 10th exam 2023 will be conducted from February 15 to March 15, 2023. For class 10, the first exam will be of Painting, Rai, Gurung, Tamang, Sherpa, and Thai subjects. While, the class 12 exam will begin on February 15 and will end on April 5, 2023. For both classes, exam will be held from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm or 1:30 pm depending upon the exam. Before beginning the exam, students will be given 15 minutes to read the question papers.
CBSE has released the practice question pacers for core subjects like Accountancy, Biology, Chemistry, English Core, Geography, Hindi, History, Mathematics and Physics.
Earlier, the CBSE also released the practice question papers for CBSE Class 10 Board Exams 2023 for subjects like Science, Mathematics, English and Social Science. The practice papers are targeted at getting students acquainted with the exam pattern, scheme of questions, and the marking scheme of the CBSE Board Exams 2023.
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