The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has yet to provide the datasheet for the 2021 board exams and students to continue to wait for it. Even though the clarity on dates is still awaited the CBSE has given updates on other things such as the mode of exams.

CBSE Board Exam 2021: Board Exams For Class 10 Cancelled & 12th Postponed, Says Education Ministry

Mode of Exam:  Next year will be board exams will be conducted only in written mode (pen and paper) and not online. According to media reports, Sanyam Bhardwaj, the Controller of Examinations, has said that the Board will be able to conduct offline exams seamlessly just like the way compartment exams were held.

Date of exams: The education board also stated that no final decision regarding dates of examination and other details has been taken so far. "No final decision has been taken regarding the dates for the conduct of board exams, and consultations with stakeholders are still in process. The exams, as and when they are conducted, will be in the written mode and not in an online mode. The exams will be conducted following all COVID protocols," a senior CBSE official said. "In case students are not able to do practicals in classes before the exams, alternatives to practical exams will have to be explored," the official added. In a report by Times Of India, Bhardwaj said that students may get more gap days between exams. Schools may also get more than two months to conduct practical exams with all Covid-19 protocols. He also said that the exams will be held in February- March. Syllabus: The CBSE has reduced the syllabus for the exams by 30 percent and the revised syllabus is available on the official website. The CBSE has also released sample papers and marking schemes for the upcoming Board exams. The Board has also released new question paper design and the evaluation scheme for the class 10 board exam. Postpone CBSE: There have been calls for postponement of the board exams on Twitter. The Education Minister had asked for suggestions ahead of his virtual interactions and many students have asked for exams to be postponed till May. Students are making the request to get time for at least three months of offline classes.

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