New Delhi: In a fresh plea, six students have approached the Supreme Court seeking a hybrid mode of examination for class 10 and 12 board examinations instead of offline mode only amid the pandemic. In their plea, students appearing in the board examinations have alleged that the entire exercise of the boards in conducting the term one or semester one examinations in offline mode only is patently unreasonable, according to news agency PTI.

According to the date sheet announced by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), the term one board exams are going to start from November 16 while Semester one exam of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) would begin from November 22.

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Advocate Sumanth Nookala, who had filed the plea, insisted on conducting the exams in hybrid mode where they have the option to choose between offline and online examinations.

The plea stressed that consent is significant as exams directly relate to the mental health of the petitioners requiring a conducive and voluntary atmosphere to ensure a fair assessment. It is common knowledge that the third wave of the Covid pandemic is predicted, the plea said.

The pleas also claimed that the proposed current system of offline examination is fraught with bad planning and lack of application of mind which will further adversely prejudice the students.

Even if the respondents (boards and others) wanted to conduct the examinations on the said dates, it had sufficient time and resources to plan it carefully and consider the concerns raised in the present petition, it said.

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