New Delhi: BPSC (BPSC Recruitment 2022) has released a notice about vacancies for more than 40,000 posts of Head Teacher, the application process started on March 28. Applications for BPSC Head Teacher (BPSC Head Teacher Recruitment 2022) posts can be sent online only. 

The last date for the application process for the Head Teacher posts of BPSC (BPSC Bihar Head Teacher Bharti 2022) is April 22, 2022.

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Vacancy Details:

A total of 40,506 posts of Head Teacher will be filled through this recruitment drive (BPSC Head Teacher Recruitment 2022). Of these, 13,761 posts have been reserved for women candidates. There are 16,204 posts for the general category, 4,861 posts for OBC, 4,046 posts for EWS, and 6,477 and 418 posts for SC and ST categories respectively. 

Apply from this website: 

To obtain detailed information about these posts and to see the notice you will have to visit this website - Applications for Bihar Head Teacher posts can be made from this website -

What educational qualification is required:

To apply for Bihar Head Teacher Posts, it is necessary that the candidate must have completed graduation from a recognized university. The candidate should also have degrees such as D.El.Ed, BT, B.Ed, BA B.Ed, B.Sc. B.El.Ed Check the notice on the official website to see the details.

Candidates up to the age of 60 years can apply:

Candidates up to a maximum age of 60 years can apply for these posts. At the same time, it is necessary that the candidate has at least eight years of teaching experience.

Application fee and salary:

On being selected for the BPSC Head Teacher post, the candidate will be given a salary of thirty thousand rupees per month. The fee for applying to these posts is Rs 750 for candidates in the unreserved category. Candidates from the reserved category, women candidates and candidates from the PWD category have to pay a fee of Rs 200.


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