Delhi Police on Tuesday arrested a man for killing his live-in partner after he was irked by the continued pressure for marriage from his partner. During the investigation, the body of his live-in partner was found in a sitting position inside a large wardrobe with sliding doors. The 27-year-old accused was caught after a 48-hour pursuit spanning 1400 kilometers covering Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana, Gujarat. He was finally apprehended from Udaipur where he was trying to escape by an ambulance.
However, it was not the first time that the accused, Vipul Tailor was involved in a crime. As per sources, it turned out that he is a habitual offender and had a history of being involved in around 10 cases, including murders, and the Immoral Traffic Prevention Act. He was also wanted in an ARMS Act case in Surat and had been hiding in Delhi to save himself.
How Delhi Police Nabbed Man For Murdering Live-In Partner After 48-Hr, 1400 Km-Long Chase
The incident was brought to light after the deceased woman, Rukhsar alias Riya's father called the police station in Dabri on April 3, alleging that his daughter had been murdered by a young man.
Taking cognizance of the complaint, the DCP, Dwarka District mobilised an Operations Unit team. Thereafter, the operations teams arrived at the scene with the local police. The body was discovered in the closet after which the superficial wounds and strangulation marks were also seen on her body, suggesting resistance. Besides, the household items were also strewn across the three rooms, showcasing the struggle.
The investigation further revealed that the deceased had been living with her friend and accused Vipul Tailor.
Riya's father stated that his daughter had been married to one Mohd. Mousin in February 2017 and had been residing in Surat, Gujarat.
However, she developed a friendship with Vipul Tailor after her divorce from Mousin and relocated to a residence in Rajapuri in February 2024. Her 5-6 year old daughter had been residing with her maternal grandfather, Mustkeen since then.
An FIR was also filed under section 302 (murder) at the Police Station Dabri as the investigations commenced.
It was unearthed during the probe that Riya was present in the flat on the day of her murder with Vipul Tailor. However, no information or other identifying details of the culprit were found at the scene.
CCTV footage showed Tailor leaving the premises at around 9:00 pm in his Ciyaz which also showed his number plate clearly. It was ascertained that the accused had crossed the Sohna, Mumbai expressway Toll Plaza as well. Thereafter, a team led by Inspector Subhash Chand including SI Rakesh, HC Ajay, HC Parveen, and HC Dinesh, was dispatched to pursue the car and apprehend Tailor.
During the pursuit, Vipul's car met with an accident while he was trying to mislead the police. He was then caught by the police when he was tried to escape by boarding a private ambulance bound for Surat.
Subsequently, after a lengthy chase of 1400 kilometers he was arrested in connection with murder.
The investigation revealed that he came in contact with the decased at a Spa center run by her in Surat. He had also paid Rs 7 lakh to her to purchase a flat during the time they lived together. However, Riya was demanding more money from him to pay the rest of the installments of the flat. The couple had been quarreling on this issue.
Additionally, it was also revealed that the deceased was in a state of intoxication and the accused took advantage of it and murdered her before fleeing from the flat.