A 40-year-old doctor was attacked with a knife at her clinic in the Tagore Garden Extension area of west Delhi on Saturday. According to officials cited by news agency PTI, the event unfolded in the afternoon when an unidentified person entered Dr. Sangay Bhutia's clinic and stabbed her with a knife on the staircase of the building. Deputy Commissioner of Police (west) Vichitra Veer provided details of the incident, stating that Dr. Bhutia runs her clinic on the ground floor of the building and resides on the upper floors.

Following the assault, the assailant quickly fled from the scene, leaving Dr. Bhutia with multiple stab injuries. She was rushed to a nearby hospital where she is currently undergoing treatment, the senior cop said, as per PTI. 

The police have initiated legal proceedings by registering a case of attempt to murder. Meanwhile, multiple teams have been mobilised to locate and apprehend the accused.

"Prima facie, no angle of robbery has been found and the attacker appears to be someone known. However, it is yet to be confirmed," the DCP added.

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Man Arrested for Brutally Attacking Live-in Partner in Delhi's Roop Nagar

In another incident, a 27-year-old man has been taken into custody for allegedly brutally assaulting his live-in partner in the Roop Nagar area of north Delhi. The victim sustained extensive injuries, requiring over 850 stitches, according to the police, who are investigating the case.

The accused, identified as Rinku and a resident of Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh, was apprehended by law enforcement authorities following the incident. The motive behind the attack appears to be suspicion that the victim was having an affair, PTI reported the police as informing.

The incident came to light when Bharat, a resident of Jawahar Nagar in Kamla Nagar, lodged a complaint on April 15.

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