The National Investigation Agency (NIA), in collaboration with Manipur Police, arrested the second accused identified as Seiminlun Gangte on Saturday as part of an intelligence-based joint operation. This arrest is connected to an ongoing investigation into a transnational conspiracy orchestrated by the leadership of terror outfits based in Myanmar and Bangladesh. The nefarious plot aims to incite unrest in Manipur and wage war against the Government of India, taking advantage of the prevailing ethnic tensions in the region, the central agency stated.

"Investigation of RC 24/2023/NIA/DLI by NIA revealed that, Myanmar and Bangladesh based militant groups have entered into a conspiracy with a section of militant leaders in India to indulge in incidents of violence with an intention to drive a wedge between different ethnic groups and to wage war against the Government of India," the NIA informed in a statement.

"And for this purpose, the aforementioned leadership have been providing funds to procure arms, ammunition and other types of terrorist hardware which are being sourced both, from across the border, as well as from other terrorist outfits active in North Eastern States of India to stoke the current ethnic strife in Manipur," it added.

The NIA had registered the case suo motu on July 19, 2023, in New Delhi.

Seiminlun Gangte, the accused in this case, has been transported to New Delhi following his arrest. He is scheduled to appear before the jurisdictional court to face the charges brought against him, the statement informed.

The Manipur Police arrested Gangte in Churachandpur before handing him over to the NIA. This arrest follows the earlier detention of Moirangthem Anand Singh from Manipur on September 22, 2023, who is also connected to the same case.

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