As Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal prepares to appear before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday (Nov 2) in connection with the now-scrapped Delhi liquor policy case, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has expressed apprehensions that the leader could be arrested by the agency. When asked what the party would do if something like this happens, AAP leader and Delhi minister Saurabh Bhardwaj said the government would run from inside the jail if "BJP" wanted to put everyone behind bars.

"It would be decided by the senior leaders of the party. But if the whole party is in jail, then the government and the party would run from jail. And this is what the BJP wants everyone should be in jail... They want free education, free electricity, free water, free pilgrimage, hospitals, and mohalla clinics to stop but Arvind Kejriwal will not let this happen..." Bhardwaj said.

The ED has issued a summons to the Delhi CM asking him to appear before it for questioning into the Delhi liquor policy 'scam' case. Former Delhi minister Satyendar Jain, Manish Sisodia and AAP MP Sanjay Singh are already in jail in the case.

On Tuesday, Delhi minister Atishi said that there are "apprehensions" that Kejriwal will be arrested by the Enforcement Directorate on November 2. "We are getting information that when Arvind Kejriwal appears before ED on November 2, ED will arrest and put him in jail," she said in a press conference. 

Attacking the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Centre and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the AAP leader said the BJP wants to finish the Aam Aadmi Party and "this is the reason why AAP leaders are being arrested and put in jail one after the other in false cases." 

ALSO READ | ED Raids Premises Of AAP's Punjab MLA Kulwant Singh In Mohali In Liquor 'Scam' Case