Arvind Kejriwal Arrest: The Delhi High Court on Tuesday rejected petition moved by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal challenging his arrest by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on allegations of money laundering in connection to the now scrapped Delhi Liquor Policy case. Following the decision of the Delhi HC, the Bharatiya Janata Party slammed Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party saying that a criminal is a criminal. BJP leader Manoj Tiwari said that the court order has shown the mirror to "AAP's gang leader" and the evidence collected by the ED shows that Kejriwal is the kingpin. 

BJP MP Manoj Tiwari took to X and said, "A criminal is a criminal. Everyone in the country has to follow the laws of India.  Today Hon'ble Court order has shown the mirror to AAP's gang leader, evidence collected by ED shows that the kingpin is Arvind Kejriwal. AAP stand exposed."

Rajya Sabha MP and BJP's spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi said that the AAP's arrogance has been shattered. "Aam Aadmi Party's arrogance has been shattered. The self-proclaimed honest character (of Arvind Kejriwal) has also been shattered by facts and proofs," Trivedi said.

The court rejected Kejriwal's challenge to arrest under PMLA and said "the files and material placed before us reveals that the mandate of law was followed by the ED. The trial court order is not a two line order. The statements with ED are of hawala dealers as well as AAP Candidates in Goa elections."

On Delhi CM Kejriwal's plea challenging his arrest by the ED, BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa said that the Delhi CM is a criminal and he will remain in jail. "Arvind Kejriwal is corrupt and he will remain in jail. Today, Delhi HC has rejected the bail plea of Arvind Kejriwal...'Bada spasht hain, Arvind Kejriwal bhrast hain'," Sirsa said.