Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj said on Wednesday that the city administration is examining the readiness of its health infrastructure in light of the escalating Covid cases across various regions of India. "Our approach is cautious, aiming to prevent panic," Bharadwaj told news agency ANI, addressing concerns about a newly detected Covid-19 variant in the nation. He emphasised recent consultations with experts in virology, pulmonology, and community health, highlighting a directive to intensify genome sequencing to promptly identify any new variants.

Commenting on the escalating cases in southern states, Bharadwaj pointed to increased testing and public awareness as contributing factors. He also mentioned the Central Government's directive for states to amplify awareness efforts.

"Cases have been identified in southern states in India too. One of the reasons could be that more testing is done in those states and there is more awareness there. Central Government has told all states to create more awareness," the Minister was quoted as saying by ANI.

NITI Aayog member, Dr VK Paul, urged citizens not to succumb to panic regarding the JN.1 variant. He reassured that the government is taking requisite precautions and that the variant doesn't notably aggravate illnesses, citing the recent fatalities as predominantly among individuals with significant health conditions. 

"We must remember that Covid-19 has not yet left, and people must be extra cautious. Because the government must be prepared for anything, it is constantly focusing on sequencing and surveillance work. The Centre has asked all states to increase the number of tests and make citizens aware of the protocols. There's no need to worry because we've all been vaccinated," Paul was quoted as saying ANI.

Dinesh Gundu Rao, Karnataka's Health Minister, shared that the state health ministry liaised with the Union Health Ministry concerning the surge. Despite the state leading in testing, Rao asserted that there would be no imminent restrictions.

Earlier on Wednesday, Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya convened a crucial meeting with senior officials from states witnessing a spike: Kerala, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, and Karnataka. Mandaviya stressed the paramount importance of readiness and urged states to conduct regular hospital mock drills, advocating for a proactive approach.

Mandaviya also advised states to bolster preventive measures as the year-end festivities approach. Recent data from the Union Health Ministry highlighted 341 new cases, with Kerala contributing the majority at 292. The cumulative active Covid cases stand at 2,311, and fatalities since the pandemic's onset in India are recorded at 5,33,321, as per the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.