Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo Arvind Kejriwal has been placed in the Central Bureau of Investigation's three-day custody in connection with the Delhi Excise policy case. During this remand period, the court has permitted his wife, Sunita Kejriwal, to meet him for 30 minutes daily. His lawyer is also allowed 30 minutes of daily visitation. Additionally, Kejriwal can also receive his prescribed medications and home-cooked meals during the custody period.   

The CBI arrested Kejriwal on Wednesday and sought five days of custody. Special Judge Amitabh Rawat reserved the order on the custody plea for later in the day. 

After receiving permission from the judge, the CBI formally arrested the AAP leader. The agency moved the application for Kejriwal's arrest after he was produced in court from Tihar Jail, where he is already imprisoned in connection with a money laundering case investigated by the Enforcement Directorate. 

Here's What CBI, Kejriwal Told Court During Proceedings  

During the proceedings, Kejriwal professed his "innocence", saying that his former Deputy Manish Sisodia, and the Aam Aadmi Party are also innocent. 

 Kejriwal stated in court, "It is being shown in the media, citing CBI sources, that I have put the entire blame on Manish Sisodia in a statement. I have not given any statement that Sisodia is guilty or anyone else is guilty. I have said Sisodia is innocent, AAP is innocent, I am innocent". 

He further claimed that the CBI was using the media to tarnish their image. "Their entire plan is to defame us in front of the media. Please record that all these have been run in media through CBI sources," he said. 

The CBI counsel countered Kejriwal's claims, stating they had presented only facts and that no agency course had made any statements. According to a PTR report, the judge commented on the difficulty of controlling media narratives, saying, "It is very difficult to control media that way". 

In its application seeking Kejriwal's custody, the CBI argued that his interrogation was necessary to uncover the broader conspiracy. They stated Kejriwal needed to be confronted with evidence and other accused persons in the case. 

The CBI, as per PTI, claimed, "We need his custodial interrogation... he is not even recognising that (co-accused) Vijay Nair was working under him. He says Nair was working under Atishi Marlena and Saurabh Bharadwaj. He puts the entire onus on Manish Sisodia (also accused in the case). He has to be confronted. He has to be shown documents".

The agency also referenced the so-called "south lobby," which they alleged had a major influence on the now-scrapped excise policy. According to CBI, the "south lobby" had a report prepared and sent through Vijat Nair to Manish Sisodia at the height of the Covid-19 wave. They alleged that the policy was hastily notified without proper meetings or consultations. 

In response to Kejriwal's claims of malicious intent, the CBI counsel, according to PTI, argued, "Unnecessary allegations of malice are being made. We could have conducted these proceedings before the elections. I (BCI) am doing my job, satisfying every court".