To prevent further worsening of air quality in the region, the CAQM Sub-Committee for operationalization of GRAP activities agrees to re-instate the 8-point action plan as per Stage-III of GRAP in the whole NCR with immediate effect, Union Ministry of Environment stated in an official statement. Delhi’s average Air Quality Index (AQI) on Monday clocked 409 as per the daily AQI Bulletin provided by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).
The Sub-Committee observed, while comprehensively examining the overall air quality situation in the region as well as the forecasts for meteorological conditions and air quality index made available by IMD, and IITM during the meeting, that the overall AQI of Delhi has been steadily rising since morning, as at 10:05 AM the average AQI for Delhi on date clocked 397, at 12:05 AM it clocked 398, at 01:05 PM it clocked 400, at 02:05.
Unfavourable meteorological and climatic circumstances, such as fog and haze, as well as low wind speed, are the primary reasons of the abrupt increase in Delhi's daily average AQI.
Keeping in mind the current trend of air quality, and in an effort to prevent further deterioration of air quality in the region, the Sub-Committee today took the call to re-instate all actions as envisaged under Stage-III of GRAP - 'Severe' Air Quality (AQI ranging between 401-450), today with immediate effect throughout the entire NCR. This is in addition to the restricted actions currently in place in NCR under GRAP Stages I and II.
GRAP divides acts into four stages: 'Poor' (AQI 201-300), 'Very Poor' (AQI 301-400), 'Severe' (AQI 401-450), and 'Severe Plus' (AQI >450).
GRAP Stage III requires a total halt to all building and demolition operations, with the exception of critical government projects, mining, and stone crushing.
It also prohibits the admission of light commercial vehicles registered outside of Delhi, as well as diesel-powered trucks, medium and heavy freight vehicles (excluding those participating in critical activities).