With their chief Arvind Kejriwal now out of custody till June 1, the Aam Aadmi Party has now accelerated their Lok Sabha elections campaigning. The AAP on Tuesday launched a new campaign titled "Washing Machine" against the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. While launching the campaign, AAP launched attacks at the ruling BJP and its alliance partners, mentioning Ashok Chavan and Himanata Biswa, and took a jibe at the Enforcement Directorate and Central Bureau of Investigation saying that they "run the country" now.

Launching the campaign, AAP's state convenor Gopal Rai said that the party has unveiled this campaign to reveal the truth behind the "black magic of BJP's washing machine". 

The campaign will go on till May 23 in Delhi and will be carried out by four teams in four different Lok Sabha constituencies. Rai, while launching the campaign said: "Furthering the Lok Sabha elections campaigning, AAP will now reveal the anti-corruption campaign of BJP and PM Modi, which is the reality of the party".

"The country knows what the black magic of the washing machine is, but the common man should also understand this, for which we have launched the campaign," he added.

 "People should know the truth of the country's government and then vote accordingly ...BJP will not get more than 200-220 seats in the entire country...we want to keep their truth in front of the people and remove the dictatorship in the nation," Rai said.

The party demonstrated the first demo of the campaign through a drama in which Delhi Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj also participated. 

During the campaign launch, Delhi Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj, alleged that whoever joins the saffron party, their charges of corruption get washed away, and then went on to mention former Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan's name. 

In the drama, two people posed as ED and CBI, and Gaurav Bhardwaj introduced them saying, "As you all know, nowadays ED and CBI are running the country and whenever the Centre wants it asks these agencies to launch a probe against whichever minister it wants to."

As shown in the drama, the ED and CBI are seen questioning two people who posed as Ashok Chavan and Himanta Biswa, if they will go into the washing machine or to the jail. Both of them are seen answering that they will go to the washing machine (which refers to joining the BJP party), and then they are put inside a washing machine named "Moti". After coming out they are seen wearing saffron t- shirts, suggesting that since they joined the party they have been washed off their corruption charges and will not be pursued by the ED or CBI to go to jail.

ALSO READ: You Have Set An Example In The Country': Kejriwal Lauds AAP For Sticking Together Through His Arrest