A man from Sitapur in Uttar Pradesh and his accomplice have been arrested for allegedly killing his wife and chopping her body to pieces. The body parts were recovered near Gulariha. The accused, Pankaj Maurya, confessed to having killed his wife Jyoti as she was addicted to drugs.

Police said that Pankaj confessed that he killed her in a fit of rage as she used to stay at someone else’s home for several days. This had purportedly ruined their relationship and Pankaj murdered her. According to News24Online, Pankaj and the co-accused, Durjan Pasi, then chopped her body into pieces and disposed of the torso in a field. The limbs and head were missing.

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The torso was found by locals who informed the police. The other pieces of Jyoti's body are yet to be found.

The murder comes amid the Shraddha Murder Case in Delhi that has shocked the nation. Shraddha Walkar, a 26-year-old call centre worker, was strangled by her live-in partner Aftab Poonawalla on May 18.

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Aftab then cut her corpse into 35 pieces with a saw and preserved them in a fridge for almost three weeks at their flat before disposing of them over several days. So far, 18 bones believed to be of Shraddha’s have been found by the police.

In a similar case, Delhi resident Ayushi Yadav was shot dead allegedly by her father Nitesh. Her body was then packed in a strolley bag and dumped on a service road along the Yamuna Expressway.

(With inputs from ANI.)

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