A Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) leader from Sambal, Anuj Chaudhary, was shot dead outside his house in the Pakwada area of Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh on Thursday. According to IANS, the 34-year-old leader was taking a stroll outside his apartment with his brother Puneet when three bike-borne assailants opened fire on him. He was rushed to a hospital where he succumbed to the bullet injuries. 

The incident was caught in a CCTV camera in which three bike-borne men could be seen firing on the BJP leader whose brother then rushes him to the hospital. 

Anuj was from Aliya Nekpur village in Sambhal and had an apartment in a society in Moradabad. As per IANS, he had unsuccessfully contested block chief elections from Asmoli block in Sambhal district and lost by 17 votes. He was an active member of the party and participated in nearly all meetings in Sambhal. 

"Recently, he had moved a no-confidence motion against the existing block chief which led to this incident," his brother told police, as quoted by IANS. 

Giving details about the incident, Moradabad SSP Hemraj Meena said, "There was a dispute of mutual enmity in the above case, a named case has been registered against 04 people. Five teams have been formed to arrest the wanted accused. Strict legal action will be taken after arresting the wanted accused soon."

He said that Chaudhary was shot in the head and shoulder.

Earlier, the SSP said, "A 30-year-old man namely Anuj Chowdhary was shot at by unidentified bike-borne miscreants. Anuj Chowdhary was taken to a hospital and died during the treatment...on the basis of complaint by family members of the victim, a case registered against 2 men namely Amit Chaudhary and Aniket and an unidentified person...further investigation underway..." 

The body has been sent for an autopsy.