Delhi Police have detained women who were holding a protest outside the residence of AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal's in Delhi. The women were claiming that the promises made by him during the Punjab assembly elections are not yet fulfilled.
Earlier, a group of women from Punjab gathered outside the residence of Arvind Kejriwal and held protest outside his residence. The women were carring posters with them with slogans written on it. One of the posters read, "1000 ka wada tha, jhoota tera irada tha". Another poster read, "Punjab me diya dhokha, ab maang rahe hain Delhi me mauka."
One of the protesting women said "We have come from Punjab's Gurdaspur. People there are poor, they (Arvind Kejriwal and Bhagwant Mann) promised to give Rs 1000 to every woman. They formed the govt by lying..."
However, Arvind Kejriwal on this protest said that, "Those women belong to their (Congress and BJP) party. They have not come from Punjab, the women in Punjab are with us. They have faith in AAP. Congress and BJP should officially announce that they are contesting elections together against AAP in Delhi..."