Senior BJP leader Chander Mohan Sharma's son was shot at after an altercation over parking in Jammu on Friday. Kanav Sharma, former Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) district president and a lawyer, reportedly had an argument over parking his scooter outside a power station in the New Plot area.
Two people inside the power station allegedly objected to his parking and soon the argument escalated. One of the men whipped out a pistol and fired two shots, one of which hit Kanav in the stomach.
Chander Mohan Sharma alleged that his son was shot at when he stopped some people from consuming and selling drugs. "Some people consume and sell drugs, and when his son tried to stop them, he was shot." He said that his son was shot in the stomach and is undergoing treatment.
Jammu-Kashmir Bar Association Condemned The Attack
Meanwhile, Jammu-Kashmir Bar Association Jammu President Advocate Nirmal Singh, who reached GMC Jammu, said, "Such an attack on a lawyer is condemnable." He has appealed to the police and administration to strengthen the security of lawyers.
The police have started a search operation to catch the attacker. Additional security forces have been deployed in the area to ensure peace and security. This incident has raised concerns about the increasing tension in the city in view of minor disputes.
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