Muzaffarnagar News: A raid conducted at an establishment in Khatauli, Muzaffarnagar district of western Uttar Pradesh, revealed a den of illegal activities. SDM Monalisa Johri led the raid based on a tip-off about the illegal activities being run under the garb of a hotel in Shahbazpur Tigahi village.
Johri, along with a police team, raided the hotel. During the raid, five girls and four boys were taken into custody by the police. The police are interrogating them.
The establishment, claiming to have been registered under the Sarais Act, operated like a hotel. The 'hotel' has now been shut down and further action is being taken in the matter. SDM Monalisa Johri said that if any other hotel is found to be operating illegally in the area, it, too, would face action.
According to Johri, she had received several complaints of fake hotels operating in Khatauli. The complaints mentioned that these 'hotels' had become the hub of illegal activities. "This is why I raided the hotel today. A few men and women were found there; they were sent to the Khatauli police station. Further legal action will be taken will be taken on the basis of our probe findings. The hotel has been closed for now."
The SDM said that neither the hotel was registered under the Sarai Act nor was any documentation found. Johri said a report has been sent to the higher authorities.
(Story by Abhishek Chaudhary, ABP News.)