A 15-year-old boy, who was stabbed by a schoolmate leading to communal violence in the Udaipur district of Rajasthan, died on Monday. Shortly before his death, his sister tied a rakhi on his wrist in the hospital on Raksha Bandhan, according to Udaipur Collector Arvind Poswal. Inspector General of Police for Udaipur Zone, Ajaypal Lamba, said that the boy died amid his treatment on Monday and the body has been shifted to the mortuary for postmortem.
"The body will be handed over to his family after the postmortem," he said, news agency PTI reported. As per officials, the last rites will take place on Tuesday.
Udaipur Violence: Security Beefed Up Around Hospital, Case Registered Under 'Case Officer Scheme'
As per India Express, after the death of the boy, the district administration deployed extra forces around the hospital. Ajay Pal Lamba requested the public to maintain peace and maintain law and order. He also mentioned that the case has been registered under the Case Officer Scheme, which designates officers to obtain court orders for a specific case, ensuring a quick resolution.
ALSO READ | Udaipur: Bulldozer Action In City After Stabbing Incident Triggers Communal Tensions — WATCH
The city is placed under high-security arrangements and mobile internet services have also been suspended in the wake of the communal violence that took place on Friday and it will be suspended for another 24 hours till 10 pm on Tuesday, police said, as per PTI.
According to PTI, officials also confirmed that heavy police have been deployed outside the district hospital as well as extra forces in different parts of the city to maintain law and order.
The boy, Devraj, was attacked by a fellow student outside their school on Friday over an unspecified issue. After the incident, the local police detained the accused and arrested his father. In protest, members of Hindu groups set ablaze cars at a motor garage and vandalised a shop in a mall.