A 28-year-old woman in Pune was killed by her colleague in the company's parking lot on Tuesday while the onlookers remained mute spectators. An argument started between the two allegedly because the woman borrowed money from him under false pretence which escalated further as the man attacked her with a cleaver. 

Several people witnessed the horrific attack, but no one intervened. The woman was later rushed to a hospital where doctors declared her dead. 

Krishna Kanoja works as a 30-year-old accountant at WNS Global, a business process outsourcing (BPO) company in Yerawada. Kanoja told the police that his colleague, Shubhada Kodare, 28, had borrowed money from him several times, telling him that she needed the money for the treatment of her ailing father, reported NDTV. 

However, when Kanoja would ask for the money back, she would refuse citing her father's condition. To corroborate her story, Kanoja went to her native place and found that her father was okay and was not suffering from any health issues. 

On Tuesday, at around 6 pm, Kanoja called Kodare to their office's parking lot and asked her to return his money. As Kodare refused, the argument heated and Kanoja slashed at Kodare with the cleaver. 

Several people gathered around and witnessed the act but didn't intervene while some of them recorded the episode on their mobile phones. It was only after the woman was writhing on the ground and Kanoja threw the weapon that a crowd surrounded him and thrashed him. 

"Kodare was rushed to a hospital with a severe injury to her elbow. She was declared dead around 9 pm on Tuesday. A case was registered and Kanoja has been arrested," said a police officer.