The Indian Railways has announced the commencement of trial runs on the highly anticipated Katra-Reasi section of the prestigious Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) project. The trial run was conducted through Tunnel Number 1 of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) project and the iconic Anji Khad Cable Bridge on Saturday.
Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw took to X (formerly Twitter) and posted, "First loaded train trial run through USBRL tunnel no. 1 and Anji Khad cable bridge."
The Katra-Reasi section, which spans about 18 kilometres, is an important segment of the USBRL project. This major progress in the infrastructural development of the Railways aims to enhance connectivity and encourage economic growth in the region.
As per the details from the railway officials, the newly launched section is technically advanced and equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, including advanced signaling systems, tunnels, and bridges designed to withstand challenging terrain and weather conditions.
The officials added that various technical parameters such as track stability, tunnel ventilation, signalling, and train control systems will be thoroughly assessed during the trial runs to ensure safe and seamless operations. These trials are the last step after which the section will be opened for passenger and freight traffic.
This Katra-Reasi section will not only reduce travel time for passengers and improve efficiencies for freight transport, it will also provide a reliable and environmentally friendly option for moving passengers and goods across the region.
As per the details, the Prime Minister is set to inaugurate the operations in January, however the final date of the inauguration is yet to be declared.
A few days back, a cargo train successfully conducted the trila run on the Katra-Reasi section. The information obtained from the railways officials states that the railway safety commissioner will conduct the final inspection of the Katra-Reasi section of the USBRL project on January 5.