IndiGo Airlines said it arranged an alternative aircraft for passengers who were stranded in Mumbai for over 16 hours, on Saturday. This was following the Mumbai-Istanbul flight of December 28, scheduled to depart at 6:55 am, had to be cancelled due to a technical glitch. The long delay prompted some of the passengers to vent their anger on social media.
The alternative aircraft departed for Istanbul at 11 pm, the airline said in a statement. "We regret that our flight 6E17, originally scheduled to operate from Mumbai to Istanbul, faced a delay due to technical issues. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts to rectify the issue and dispatch it to the destination, we eventually had to cancel the flight," IndiGo said in a statement.
It added, "While our teams are working hard to provide support to our affected customers, by keeping them informed, arranging welfare measures such as accommodation, meal vouchers, and full refunds, we know that no amount of effort can fully undo the inconvenience caused".
It further said that an alternate aircraft was arranged and would depart at 11 pm. It added that customers’ safety and comfort was their top priority.
On several social media posts, passengers wrote about the delay and the service after. No food or even water was served and there was no representative from the airline willing to listen to their grievances, some passengers claimed.
"Mumbai to Istanbul journey suspended after 10 hours waiting by passengers. Information that there are around 100 passengers in this journey and the number of students is large. Kids are crying at the airport, no resolution from authorities," said a passenger in his post on X, also tagging Minister of State for Civil Aviation Murlidhar Mohol.
"There are 500 passengers who have been scammed by continuous delays and eventual cancellation. All passengers have not been served any food or water. There is no representative from indigo willing to listen to grievances," said another passenger in his post.
The airline said that it was “working hard” to provide support to the affected customers, and has kept them informed and also arranged accommodation, meal vouchers as well as full refunds.