AAP convener and former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday hit out at the Centre, saying Delhi is the most unsafe capital in the world. He was referring to the increasing cases of murder, extortion, and rapes in Delhi. "We are getting to see the kind of gang wars in Delhi we saw in Mumbai in the 1990s. In 2022, we saw 501 murders. On thiz side of the Yamuna, at least 20 lives were lost in gang wars. People are terrorised," he said.
He said he had fixed the issues related to education, electricity, water, and other civic matters. "The Centre was entrusted to improve the the safety and security of Delhi. However, Amit Shah miserably failed as the Union Home Minister in the last 10 years. People are referring to Delhi as the "rape capital" and "gangster capital" of the world. This is not just about Delhi's image; it's about the people's security," Kejriwal said.
He alleged a record number of 160 extortion calls were received by citizens of Delhi. "There are many calls, which go unreported. Businessmen often get extortion calls from outside the country... Women are unsafe. Womewn are eve-teased, abducted, and raped... All these are happening within a 20-kilometre radius of Amit Shah's home," Kejriwal said.
Kejriwal further said that he went to visit a businessman who had been threatened by extortionists. "But BJP workers prevented me from visiting the family. I had to return without meeting the family," he said.
At the time when Arvind Kejriwal was addressing the press conference, a loud blast was heard in Delhi's Prashant Vihar. Locals claimed they heard a loud explosion in the area near the PVR Cinema.
(This is a developing story and is being updated.)