Eight of nine accused were held on Friday for allegedly raping a woman on the premises of a temple in Assam’s Guwahati, as reported by the police. The arrests were made following the circulation of a purported video of the incident in the Gorchuk area among the local community. Initially, seven of the accused were apprehended, but the eighth person was arrested later in the day.
Guwahati Police Commissioner Diganta Barah stated that the video of the alleged gangrape was received from a newsperson early on Friday, news agency PTI reported. Based on the information received and a thorough analysis of the video, police teams promptly conducted raids at various locations within the jurisdiction of Gorchuk and Jalukbari police stations. Seven individuals identified in the video were apprehended during these raids.
All the arrested accused are between the ages of 18 and 23 years, according to Barah. However, the identity of the woman remains unknown, and further investigation is ongoing. Barah later disclosed that an eighth accused, who had initially evaded capture, had also been held.
One Of 9 Rape Accused Absconding: Assam Police Official
According to PTI, another police official provided additional details, stating that the incident allegedly occurred on November 17 during the Raas festival in the area. It is believed that one of the accused took the woman to the temple premises, which is situated in a hilly location. There, she was subjected to rape, and the incident was subsequently videotaped by the perpetrators.
Nine individuals have been identified from the purported video, and one of them is currently absconding, as per the police official.
Local residents have expressed concerns about the presence of drug addicts in the temple and surrounding areas, particularly after dusk, PTI reported.