The Central Government has alloted a new office to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) following the orders of the Delhi High Court, news agency ANI reported on Thursday. According to AAP, Bungalow No. 1, Ravi Shankar Shukla Lane, New Delhi will be the new address of the Arvind Kejriwal-led party's headquarters.

In June, the Delhi High Court held the AAP entitled to use housing unit from the general pool till a permanent land is allotted for construction of its office.

The court had directed the Centre to decide AAP’s representation within six weeks. As per Supreme Court's order, AAP has to vacate its current party office by June 15. This came after the top court noted that AAP's party office stands on land alotted for expansion of Delhi High Court.

Senior Advocate Rahul Mehra appearing for AAP had told the high court that a national party is entitled to a temporary office until the land is allotted to it for construction of a permanent office.

Justice Subramonium Prasad of Delhi High Court held that mere pressure or non-availability is no ground to reject AAP's plea. The court had issued directions to the Centre to decide AAP's representation for a temporary accommodation within six weeks by way of a reasoned order.

The court held that AAP is entitled to use a housing unit from the general pool and that mere pressure or non-availability is no reason for rejection of AAP's plea.

The AAP had filed a plea seeking direction from high court to Centre to allot suitable land to it being a recognised political party for construction of its offices.

The high court listed the case for hearing on July 15. AAP seeks land to be allotted to it in a preferably centrally located areas in the Delhi that is free from encumbrances and encroachments, so that the construction for party office space can begin immediately.