Vedanta announced two major changes to its executive panels on Friday. The company declared the selection of John Slaven as the chief executive officer of it’s aluminium business and Stephen Russel Moore as the deputy CEO for it’s subsidiary Cairn Oil & Gas. 

The company informed the market about the changes and revealed Slaven will take over his role from October 3, 2023. The appointment will be valid for 3.5 years and Slaven will also be authorised as a “senior management personnel (SMP)” from the same date.

Moore will take over his new role with immediate effect, the company stated. He has been promoted from his earlier designation as the chief operating officer (COO) of Cairn Oil & Gas. Cairn represent the oil and gas exploration venture of the larger Vedanta group, the report added. 

The company stated that the changes were approved by its board of directors in a meeting held earlier on Friday. It added that Slaven, “will be leading all aspects of the strategy of aluminium business’ growth and strategy, including development of strategic alliances with global partners to fast-track business delivery.” Slaven has earlier worked with Australian company BHP Billiton in major executive roles. 

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The company added that Moore will be overseeing the “growth strategy and strategic business alliances with global partners to fast-track business delivery".

Vedanta also informed about plans to establish an advisory board for Cairn’s business. It wants the CEO Nicholas John Robert Walker to play a key role in this development and said, “The aim is that Nicholas John Robert Walker who is currently the CEO of Cairn Oil & Gas will play a role in setting up this Board and be part of it to provide oversight and advice to the management and create a long-term business strategy for unlocking the significant potential of Cairn’s assets.”