Indians Leaving Sweden: Sweden is experiencing an unexpected shift in immigration patterns as the exodus of Indian immigrants reaches unprecedented levels, reversing a trend that has long seen more Indians arriving in the country than leaving. According to data from Statistics Sweden, for the first time on record, more Indian-born residents departed Sweden during the first half of 2024 than those who moved in. This is the highest emigration of Indians from Sweden since 1998.

How Many Indians Have Left Sweden?

Between January and June 2024, 2,837 Indian-born people left Sweden, representing a dramatic 171 per cent increase compared to the same period in 2023. This surge has catapulted Indians to the top of the list of emigrants, overtaking individuals from Iraq, China, and Syria. The data marks a sharp departure from previous years, where Indian immigration consistently outstripped emigration by a considerable margin.

Despite the striking figures, experts urge caution before drawing definitive conclusions. Robin Sukhia, Secretary-General and CEO of the Sweden-India Business Council, warned that the full picture may not yet be clear. "We do not believe there is any special reason for this right now," Sukhia explained in an email to Swedish media outlet The Local.

He noted that a year-end review may reveal a combination of factors at play, ranging from completed studies to Sweden's rising living costs and housing shortages, though it remains "difficult to know" for certain at this stage.

An Indian man residing in Sweden shared on X his thoughts on why some of his fellow countrymen may be choosing to leave the country.

Key factors behind the exodus

Several potential factors could be influencing the sudden uptick in emigration. Sweden’s high cost of living, a lack of affordable housing, and a wave of recent tech layoffs may be pushing immigrants to seek opportunities elsewhere.

The Swedish government's tightened work permit regulations have also compounded the challenges for foreign nationals. Work permits issued to highly skilled immigrants fell by 20 per cent in the first half of 2024 compared to the previous year, while permits granted to Indian citizens plummeted by 30 per cent during the same period.

Nevertheless, Indian immigrants remain one of the largest groups of new arrivals in Sweden, second only to Ukrainians, whose numbers have surged due to the ongoing conflict with Russia. However, even the number of Indians moving to Sweden in early 2024 dropped to 2,461, down from 3,681 in the first half of 2023 — a level not seen since 2017, excluding the pandemic years.

This reversal follows more than a decade of growth in Indian immigration, largely driven by diplomatic ties and Sweden’s concerted efforts to attract highly skilled professionals, particularly in the technology sector. However, the current data suggests that these trends may now be slowing, casting doubt on Sweden’s ability to maintain its competitive edge in the international talent pool.

Adding to the complexity, Sweden’s overall emigration numbers have nearly doubled in 2024, though this spike is partly attributed to an administrative update by the Swedish Tax Agency. Some of the individuals recorded as having left Sweden this year may have emigrated earlier but were only now formally accounted for, potentially skewing the figures to some extent.