Mukesh Ambani, billionaire industrialist and chairman of Reliance Industries, Nita Ambani, chairperson and founder of the Reliance Foundation, stood among the esteemed attendees at the State Dinner held at the White House on Thursday to honour Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Ambanis were among the big names in the tech world and business leaders, including Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Apple CEO Tim Cook, who received an exclusive invitation to the prestigious event.

At the US State dinner event, Ambani's presence, alongside industry stalwarts such as Anand Mahindra, corporate leader Indira Nooyi, and technology CEOs Satya Nadella (Microsoft) and Shantanu Narayen (Adobe) exemplified the remarkable convergence of business and technology.

More than 400 distinguished guests were personally invited by US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden to gather at a lavishly adorned pavilion on the South Lawn of the White House.

IN PICS | PM Modi Speaks At US Joint Congress, Shares A Toast With Biden During State Dinner

In his address during the State Dinner, Prime Minister Modi lauded the invaluable contributions of Indian Americans in the remarkable growth and progress of the nation, commending their significant role in fortifying the bond between India and the United States.

Modi expressed his appreciation to President Biden and the first lady for hosting the grand affair and extended a toast to his "wonderful" hosts, acknowledging their efforts in assembling a gathering of exceptionally talented and influential individuals.

The US State dinner guest list also featured notable figures from various domains, including human rights activist Martin Luther King III, tennis legend Billie Jean King, renowned filmmaker M Night Shyamalan, fashion icon Ralph Lauren, Grammy award winner Joshua Bell, and accomplished entrepreneur Frank Islam.

Prominent Indian American lawmakers, such as Pramila Jayapal, Shri Thanedar, Ro Khanna, Ami Bera, and Raja Krishnamoorthi, were among those in attendance, representing the thriving Indian American community's influence and political representation.

Accompanied by members of the Biden family, including Hunter Biden, Ashley Biden, James Biden, and Naomi Biden Neal, Vice President Kamala Harris, who is set to host a luncheon for Prime Minister Modi, also graced the event with her presence.

The State Dinner saw the participation of prominent Indian officials, including India's National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, along with US diplomats and key members of the Biden administration.