The Centre has said that more than 9.5 lakh posts are vacant within various departments and ministries of the central government as of March 1, 2022. The government in reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha informed that these vacancies include more than 2.9 lakh jobs in the railways, 1.4 lakh jobs with Home Affairs, 2.6 lakh jobs with Civil defence, and 90,000 jobs in the postal department among others.
In the Rajya Sabha, BJP MP Sushil Kumar Modi had asked about the status of the Prime Minister’s target for providing jobs to 10 lakh people in one year, while enquiring about the current status of vacancies in several government departments.
On February 2, Jitendra Singh, Union minister of state, in a written reply of Sushil Kumar Modi's question, said that there are vacancies in several government ministries/ departments and their attached and subordinate offices due to retirement, resignation, death, promotion of employees.
Singh said, "Rozgar Mela events are being held across the country and the new appointees are inducted into various central ministries/departments/ Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs)/ autonomous bodies/ public sector banks etc. The details of number of jobs provided are maintained by the respective ministries/departments/ organisations.”
The minister provided a list of the department-wise status of the vacancies in the government as on March 1, 2023.
“Rozgar Mela is expected to continue to act as a catalyst in further employment and self employment generation and provide gainful service opportunities to the 10 lakh youth over a period of one year or so,” the minister added.
Sushil Kumar Modi had also aksed about when the National Recruitment Agency (NRA) will be operational and the current status thereof. Singh said, "The NRA has been constituted. It has conducted a detailed study of the recruitment systems in the Centre as well as states in order to adopt the best practices."