Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani received a death threat on email on Friday (October 27). The messengers threatened to shoot him if he failed to pay Rs 20 crores. A case has been registered under sections 387 and 506 (2) IPC in Gamdevi PS of Mumbai, reported ANI citing police. According to Mid-Day, the email read: 'If you don’t give us 20 crore, we will kill you. We have the best shooters in the India'.

This comes days after a hospital run by the Reliance Foundation received calls threatening to kill Mukesh Ambani and his family members earlier this month. 

Later, Mumbai Police arrested Rakesh Kumar Mishra (30) from Darbhanga in Bihar for allegedly making the calls threatening to blow up the hospital and kill Ambani, his wife Nita and sons Akash and Anant, reported the Indian Express. The man had also threatened to blow up the Ambani family's house in Mumbai, Antilia.

In the latest threat on Friday, executive assistant to Mukesh Ambani, managing director of Reliance, told the security head that they had received an email at 8.51 p.m, Mid Day reported. He stated the sender of the mail is one -- Shadab Khan. The security head clicked the picture of the mail and registered a case at the Gamdevi police station.

Threat messages are nothing new for the Ambanis. According to PTI, in November 2021, a taxi driver gave a tip about a possible threat to Antilia following which the security was enhanced by Mumbai police outside the Ambani house. However, PTI reported, the probe found there was no such threat.

On February 25, 2021, an explosive-laden SUV was found parked on Carmichael Road in South Mumbai, near Antilia. The case shook the investigation agencies and the state government. Police had recovered a printed threat note inside along with gelatin sticks which said this was only a “trailer” and there would be assembled explosives next time instead of just loose sticks, the agency stated.


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