Addressing the nation on the 77th Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an upcoming scheme to help self-help groups led by women. The PM stated that the project will help the groups by providing agri-drones and will also provide them training to fly and repair the unmanned aerial vehicles.

PM Modi informed that the scheme will include about 15,000 women-led self-help groups (SHGs), almost 10 crore women in the country are associated with the SHGs, reported PTI. 

Talking about the development in the country, the PM said, India is focusing on women-led development, and highlighted the achievements made in various fields, including, aviation.” Further stressing the importance of developing the country and keeping the focus on women, the PM added, “The one thing that will take the country forward is women-led development. Today, we can proudly say that India has the maximum number of pilots in civil aviation, and women scientists are leading the Chandrayaan mission. The G20 countries are also recognising the importance of women-led development in India.”

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PM Modi appreciated the achievements of the women SHGs in the rural parts of the country and added that the government is looking at ways to realise his dream to see ‘two crore women become lakhpati’. For the same purpose, the government is looking at projects and plans to encourage and promote the use of technology in the agriculture sector and enhance ‘agritech’, the PM noted. He added, “We will train women in SHGs to fly drones and also repair drones. The Government of India will provide drones to thousands of Women SHGs.”

The PM also mentioned that about Rs 2.5 lakh crore has been disbursed to the farmers so far under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme (PM-KISAN). As per the scheme, the government gives Rs 6,000 annually to the farmers in three installments. Additionally, the government is also providing fertiliser subsidies worth more than Rs 10 lakh crore, to help development and progress for the farmers, the PM said.