Mumbai: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday launched e-RUPI, a person and purpose-specific digital payment solution via video conferencing. The concept of electronic vouchers is another step by the Prime Minister to strengthen digital India.

The government expects it to be a revolutionary initiative to ensure a leak-proof delivery of welfare services. 

ALSO READ | 'Targeted, Transparent, Leak-Free Delivery': PM Modi Launches e-RUPI, Govt's 'Futuristic Reform' In Digital Payment

What is e-RUPI?

e-RUPI is a cashless and contactless digital payment instrument. It is a QR code or SMS string-based e-Voucher that is delivered to the beneficiaries' mobile phones.

Users of this seamless one-time payment mechanism will be able to redeem the voucher at the service provider without the need for a card, digital payments app, or internet banking access.

Who developed it?

It has been developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCIL) on its UPI platform, in collaboration with the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, and National Health Authority.

How does it work?

  • e-RUPI connects service sponsors with beneficiaries and service providers in a digital manner, with no physical interface.

  • It also ensures that payment is made to the service provider only after the transaction is completed. 

  • Being pre-paid in nature, it provides timely payment to the service provider without intermediary involvement.

 How can it be used?

It is expected to be a revolutionary initiative to ensure a leak-proof delivery of welfare services. It can also be used to deliver services under schemes that provide drugs and nutritional support under Mother and Child Welfare schemes, tuberculosis eradication programmes, drugs, and diagnostics under schemes such as Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, fertilizer subsidies. The private sector, too, can use these digital vouchers as part of their employee welfare and corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs.