Disney Layoffs: Disney has recently implemented a significant round of layoffs, affecting approximately 300 employees across various corporate departments as part of its ongoing cost-saving initiatives. This latest wave of job cuts has particularly impacted areas such as human resources, legal, and finance, among others. This move follows a previous layoff in July when around 140 employees from Disney’s television division were let go.

One employee affected by these recent layoffs, Christine Collins, an acquiring assistant editor based in New York, shared her experience on LinkedIn. She reflected on her journey at Disney, marked by milestones she refers to as "firsts." She wrote, “There’s a first time for everything. My time at Disney•Hyperion has been defined by firsts. First full-time job after college. First promotion. First acquisition. First auction pre-empt. First starred review (followed by several more starred reviews!). First state award. First national recognition for my books. And now, the “first” that everyone hopes not to experience: first layoff.”

Christine’s heartfelt post highlights her achievements and the emotional toll these recent job cuts have on the employees.

Collins recounted the unexpected layoff announcement in her post, explaining that it came during a surprise meeting held the same day. " I, along with several talented colleagues, received a surprise same-day meeting on my calendar, was brought into a conference room with HR and a manager several levels above me, and was told that Disney was eliminating my position," she said.

Having dedicated five years to the company, Collins expressed her understanding of the challenging landscape. “It’s no secret that times are tough right now—for children’s publishing and also for the wider world,” she wrote.

“I have so much appreciation for the coworkers, authors, agents, and illustrators who have put their trust in me over the last 5 years at Disney•Hyperion. You are all so talented and wonderful, and I will always cherish the time we spent together and the work that we created,” she added.

She further discusses how she believes that this is the time for her next chapter to start: “I am hopeful this moment of transformation unlocks the next great chapter on my journey, and I invite all of the wonderful “firsts” that may be around the corner. If you or your team is looking for a writer, editor, and problem-solver, please feel free to reach out!” she concluded her post.

Also Read: Disney Layoffs: Media Firm Fires Several Employees Across Departments