New Delhi: The Covid-19 pandemic has forced people around the world to make several changes in their day-to-day life. Adapting to the lifestyle changes brought about by the Coronavirus has been the biggest challenge for individuals and governments around the globe.

Work-life balance has also become a major focus of attention as the global economy has taken a huge hit. So how will businesses thrive and what should be their focus of attention in these tough times is also a big question today.

While speaking exclusively to ABP News, Prof. Ranjay Gulati of the Harvard Business School, Boston, on the issue of businesses taking a hit said that people have now started to question the purpose and the quality of their Job, while companies are expected to contribute to the society.

In his recently released book, Deep Purpose, professor Ranjay Gulati explains the difference between purpose and profit and how to strike a balance between both, as he says that though it is one of the simplest questions, many are still confused. He has therefore explained this in his book in detail and in the simplest manner.

Elaborating further, professor Gulati said that there are very few companies that are purpose-driven. Companies need to introspect and come out with answers over their existence and the purpose that they had started for.

In his book, Professor Gulati has talked about how companies can survive if they plan to stick to the core idea of starting their business.

"It usually happens that companies lose focus and the purpose for which they had started their company", he said while talking to ABP News about his recently released book.

Here is the detailed interview that ABP had with Professor Ranjay Gulati of the Harvard Business School, Boston, United States of America.