The feud over late KK Modi’s Rs 11,000 crore inheritance seems to be getting more ugly. Samir Modi, Godfrey Phillips’ executive director, laid accusations against his mother of setting up an attack on him, media reports said.

Modi filed a complaint with the Delhi Police on Friday and alleged that his mother’s personal security officer (PSO) and multiple directors of the firm caused him ‘grievous hurt’ when the former tried to go for a scheduled board meeting at the firm’s Jasola office in Delhi, reported Economic Times.

The report quoted Modi and said, “The incident happened on Thursday when I was trying to enter the scheduled board meeting of GP at Jasola in Delhi. I was prevented by Bina Modi's PSO from entering the meeting. When I insisted, he tried to push me and said that I was not allowed to enter the board meeting.”

The resulting confrontation caused a broken index figure for Modi, and according to reports by CNBC TV18, he still attended the meeting before trying to seek medical attention for his injuries.

The report cited the detailed complaint filed by Modi at Sarita Vihar police station and said, “My index finger has been broken into two and requires a screw and wire to be put together, and I may not regain full function of my index finger. The screw used to fix the finger will stay with me for a lifetime and my right-hand index finger will never be wholly functional, I am informed by the medical practitioners.”

Modi stated that he believed the attack to be premeditated to avoid him sitting down for the meeting and to coerce him into offloading his stake. The report noted that Modi has decided not to exit the firm despite his mother trying to acquire his share via a mediator.

The fight over KK Modi’s inheritance has been ongoing since his death and includes a major stake in Godfrey Phillips and other group firms. Modi has also accused his mother of not distributing funds as stated in a trust deed executed by his late father. The legal matter is due in the Supreme Court. 

A spokesperson for Phillips denied the allegations and termed them ‘entirely false and atrocious’, the report stated.

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