At a time of crisis when all over the world employees are worried about their jobs and when even Prime Minister of the country appealed to employers to have compassion, the IT firm Capgemini showed that the corporate world does have a heart. The French multinational firm is reportedly giving a single-digit increment to 70 percent of its Indian staff i.e is over 84,000 employees and providing Rs 10,000 allowance to employees who are stranded without paying guest facility.

Since the lockdown according to a recent study conducted by YouGov, an Internet-based market research and data analytics firm, 1 in 5 Indians is now worried about losing his or her job as the coronavirus pandemic has shut industries and businesses in India. Some Indians worry about the economic impact of the virus such as losing their jobs (20 percent), getting a pay cut (16 percent), or not getting a bonus or increment this year (8 percent).  The study also indicates that the overall unemployment has already risen to 23.4 percent and the urban unemployment rate has soared to 30.9 percent.

At such a challenging time the move by the corporate firm is heartening. According to reports apart from the pay package, the company is also giving other benefits such as shift allowance to those working from home and has also created a special fund to help employees during medical emergencies.

The Prime Minister in his message to the nation yesterday had also appealed to employers to be patient and understanding of the problems that employees may face due to the lockdown. He had also requested not to fire anyone at this time of crisis.