Budget Session 2021: President Ram Nath Kovind on Friday addressed a joint session of the Parliament ahead of the Budget session which will commence later in the day today. While addressing members of both Houses, President Kovind started his speech by saying that the join session of Parliament amid Coronavirus pandemic is essential. ALSO READ | PM Modi Speech, Budget Session: First Session Of The Decade, Offers Golden Opportunity To Fulfil Nations' Dreams

"It's a new new year and a new decade. We are also entering into the 75th year of independence. Today all MPs are present here with message and trust that however tough be the challenge neither we nor India will stop," President said in his initial remarks.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="hi" dir="ltr">चुनौती कितनी ही बड़ी क्यों न हो, न हम रुकेंगे और न भारत रुकेगा।</p>&mdash; President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) <a href="https://news.abplive.com/news/budget-2021-to-be-tabled-in-february-here-s-when-how-where-can-you-watch-the-session-1441402">January 29, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

"In this fight against the pandemic, we lost many citizens. Former President Pranab Mukherjee passed away in this Corona period. Six MPs left us untimely due to COVID. I pay my tribute to all of them: President Ram Nath Kovind, in Parliament," he said.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="hi" dir="ltr">महामारी के खिलाफ इस लड़ाई में हमने अनेक देशवासियों को असमय खोया भी है। हम सभी के प्रिय और मेरे पूर्ववर्ती राष्ट्रपति प्रणब मुखर्जी का निधन भी कोरोना काल में हुआ। संसद के 6 सदस्य भी कोरोना की वजह से असमय हमें छोड़कर चले गए। मैं सभी के प्रति अपनी विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करता हूं</p>&mdash; President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) <a >January 29, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Expressing satisfaction over timely decisions of the government during Covid-19 pandemic, President said that it has saved the lives of lakhs of citizens. "Today the number of new COVID cases is going down rapidly. The number of recoveries is very high," President added.

Further in his speech, President Kovind also condemened the violence that took place in the national capital during tractor rally organised by the farmers. "The national flag and a holy day like Republic Day were insulted in the past few days. The Constitution that provides us Freedom of Expression, is the same Constitution that teaches us that law and rules have to be followed seriously, he said.

Defending agri laws, President said, "My government would like to clarify that the rights and facilities that were available before the formation of the three farm laws have not been cut short, in fact with these new agricultural reforms the Govt has provided new facilities and rights to farmers.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="hi" dir="ltr">मेरी सरकार ने स्वामीनाथन आयोग की सिफ़ारिशों को लागू करते हुए लागत से डेढ़ गुना MSP देने का फैसला भी किया था। मेरी सरकार आज न सिर्फ MSP पर रिकॉर्ड मात्रा में खरीद कर रही है बल्कि खरीद केंद्रों की संख्या को भी बढ़ा रही है।</p>&mdash; President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) <a >January 29, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

ALSO READ | Budget 2021 To Be Tabled In February: Here's When, How & Where To Watch The Session

"Small and marginal farmers are also a priority for my government. To support such farmers in their small expenses, around Rs 1,13,000 crores have been transferred directly to their accounts, under PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi," President said further in his speech.

Speaking about the ongoing economic crisis, President said that the nation is recovering from the damage that the economy suffered while saving the life of every Indian during the Corona period. "Even in this difficult time, India has emerged as an attractive destination for global investors," President noted.