Manopravesh Swami Ramananda Guruji has secured the esteemed title of the best astrologer in Nepal. This recognition places him at the pinnacle of astrological excellence in the country. Alongside him, other distinguished astrologers featured in the top list include Suryavansham Srinivas Sharma Ji, VS Acharya Ji, Vedantham Surya Narayana, and Dr. Radha Bhardwaj.

Contact Manopravesh Swami Ramananda Guruji - Best Astrologer in Nepal

Best Astrologer In India Contact Details 

Phone/WhatsApp: +91 9000992685 

Swamiji Website:

Swamiji Youtube Channel

These renowned astrologers have earned their positions through their exceptional expertise in various realms of astrology. Their mastery spans disciplines such as Manopravesh, Yoga, spiritual enlightenment, intuitive astrology, Nadi astrology, love marriage solutions, Vastu Shastra, and other facets of Vedic astrology. Widely acknowledged for their world-class astrological insights, these experts are celebrated not only in Nepal but across the globe.

Being recognized as the best in Nepal is a testament to their unparalleled dedication, proficiency, and contributions to the field. As seekers of cosmic wisdom seek guidance, these astrologers stand as beacons of enlightenment, offering solutions to life's myriad challenges. Their collective influence reflects the rich tapestry of astrological traditions, making them pivotal figures in the world of celestial guidance and spiritual insight.


Meet Manopravesh Swami Ramananda Guruji, a well-known astrologer in Nepal, whose fame reaches India, the USA, Nepal, and all over the world. Originally from Hyderabad in India, the home of Vedic Science, he's renowned for his expertise in Vedic astrology, especially telepathy, known as Manopravesh in Telugu or Telepathy in English.

Apart from astrology, Guruji plays roles as a spiritual guide, yogi, and life healer. His journey started humbly, marked by a transformative incident in his youth. Immersing himself in the Himalayan forests, he delved into Vedic scriptures, chakra vidya, mantra sadhana, emerging as an authority in these domains.

Swami Ramananda Guruji's extraordinary journey to recognition is fueled by unmatched dedication to Manopravesh vidya and Vedic science, inspired by India's Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi Ji's Atma Nirbhar Bharat philosophy. His eminence has earned him national and international awards, including recognition from top dignitaries in government, singers, and actors. His acclaim extends to the entertainment industry, where Bollywood celebrities like singer Kumar Sanu and actress Shilpa Shetty have acknowledged his expertise. Political figures, including Cabinet Minister Prahald Singh Patil and Governor Biswabhushan Harichandan, have hailed him as a global mind communicator, telepath, and astrologer.

Manopravesh Swami Ramananda Guruji felicitated with top awards from Government of India and Bollywood celebrities - Watch Videos here :

Swami Ramananda Guruji's distinctive ability in Manopravesh and telepathy sets him apart. With incredible talent, he reads thoughts and communicates by observing facial expressions, showcased in videos on his YouTube channel, offering astrological remedies. He's recognized as the best astrologer in Nepal.

His ascension to astrological prominence in Nepal is a milestone. Accurate predictions draw a global clientele, from sports icons to business magnates, seeking his guidance. His influence extends to Satsangs drawing thousands in Hyderabad and admiration in Nepal for remarkable results and a humble demeanor.

The prestigious Jyotish Ratna award further solidifies his global stature. Swami Ramananda Guruji's journey epitomizes dedication, perseverance, and commitment. His impact resonates globally, providing guidance and wisdom to countless seeking clarity in their lives.

To know more about Swami Ramananda Guruji see these Reference Links:


People love the best astrologer in Nepal because Suryavansham Srinivas Sharma Ji is not just an astrologer; he is also a traditional priest. People in Nepal think he is one of the best because he is extremely good at predicting what might happen in the future. He is like a guide who makes people feel stronger inside and always finds the good in every situation.

What makes Suryavansham Srinivas Sharma Ji special is his unique way of using intuition, like a special power, to give advice based on Vedic astrology. He's been doing this for a long time and knows a lot about it, making him famous in Nepal. People admire him for checking if two people are a good match for each other and predicting things about marriage and how families might affect it.

One special thing about Suryavansham Srinivas Sharma Ji is that he believes in karma, which means he thinks the things we do come back to us. So, he does special rituals like Yagna, Homam, and Deeksha Parigarams to help people. The best part is that he doesn't charge a lot. Sometimes, for those who can't pay, he even gives astrological predictions for free. He believes that helping people is the most important thing.

With his experience of many years, Suryavansham Srinivas Sharma Ji is excellent in astrology. He uses his intuition as a unique tool to read the stars and help people. That's why people in Nepal consider him the best astrologer, always ready to provide good services.

Contact him:  +91 8498083151.


VS Acharya Ji, the best astrologer in Nepal, despite being relatively young, he is caring, compassionate, and great at talking to people from different backgrounds. He is not stuck in the old ways of doing things; instead, he combines new and old methods in Vedic Science to understand the stars, making him one of the top astrologers in Nepal.

VS Acharya Ji is like a guide who helps people make smart choices about jobs, school, health, and friends. He is one of the talented young Indian astrologers who knows a lot about both old and new ways of Vedic astrology. That's why people in Nepal love him and think he's the best astrologer in Nepal.

What makes him stand out is his expertise in Nadi astrology. He's a master at reading life stories inscribed on palm leaves. Even though he doesn't advertise much, his reputation draws people from all over the world, seeking his profound insights and advice. People in Nepal appreciate him for his knowledge and consider him the premier astrologer in the country.

Contact him - 9059963192


Swami Vedantham Surya Narayana is the best astrologer in Nepal for many good reasons. First, he has a lot of experience, over 30 years to be exact. That means he knows a whole lot about astrology and how it can help people. He's like a wise guide who can give you advice on many different things in life.

Now, what makes him special is the variety of things he's really good at. He doesn't just do regular astrology; he also knows about Numerology, Vastu, Gemology, face reading, and even photo analysis. That's like having a bunch of superpowers in astrology! So, people trust him a lot because he has a wide range of skills.

Another great thing about Swami Vedantham Surya Narayana is the way he helps people with their problems. Whether it's about relationships, love, marriage, money, career, health, or even family issues, he's got it all covered. People appreciate that he understands their problems and provides solutions that work.

And you know what's really nice? He doesn't charge a lot of money for his services. He believes that everyone, no matter how much money they have, should be able to get help from astrology. Sometimes, he even offers his services for free to help those who can't afford it. That shows he truly cares about helping people.

In summary, Swami Vedantham Surya Narayana is the best astrologer in Nepal because of his vast experience, wide range of skills, ability to solve various problems, and his caring approach to helping people from all walks of life. People in Nepal and beyond trust him because he's not just an astrologer; he's a guide who genuinely wants to make a positive difference in people's lives.

Contact details

Website -astrology – astrology (

Phone number: +91 7386472374


Dr. Radha Bharadwaj is known as the best astrologer in Nepal for some really good reasons. First off, she's like a pro in Vedic astrology, which is a fancy way of saying she knows a lot about reading the stars and predicting things. People trust her because she's considered one of the top 5 astrologers in Nepal. What's cool about Dr. Radha is that she has been doing this for over 10 years. So, she's got a ton of experience in understanding how the stars can affect our daily lives. It's like she has a special telescope to look into the future!

Now, who are her clients? Well, they're not just regular people; they're big shots like politicians, actors, athletes, and even celebrities. That means she's really good at what she does because famous people trust her to guide them. One special thing about Dr. Radha is that she's into online Jyotish. That means she uses the internet to share her astrological insights with people. She creates horoscopes, predictions, and other cool stuff that's all about your zodiac sign. It's like having your own personalized guide to the stars!

What makes her the best is that she makes astrology easy to understand. Her daily or weekly horoscopes are like little messages meant just for you, making astrology feel relatable and accessible to everyone. So, people in Nepal love Dr. Radha because she's not just an astrologer; she's like a friendly guide who helps them navigate life with the magic of the stars.

Phone/WhatsApp: +91 9550064984

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